Grüß Dich. Let's play a game here. Do you think where am I ? Here is a clue for you, I stay in a country which has the most active volcanoes in the world..........Do you know now ? If no, this country is in Asia. Okay, the answer is Indonesia. So that's why I came to this sulfur volcano.

I think the landscape here is second to none in its own style. The terrain is similar to other planet. Dust - Ground - Sky and people wear mask like astronauts.

I assume this is an alien plant and I walked through the desert.

These pictures is a real color from my Nikon camera.

Cloud above a mountain in white color.

Spectacular terrain.

There you go, this is what I mentioned. "Sulfur" ; Workers were transferring sulfur for sale while tourists were watching the unseen sulfur and smoke.

Did I already tell you that this place is The "Ijen" Volcano. Sometime we must go somewhere that is outside comfort zone and see the world.

I shared mine and now it's your turn to share a story. Give me some ideas which place should be my next destination. Tschüss.
Good place
I don't like Indonesia because it is too adventure. I prefer Hawaii because we can see scenery by helicopter.
Another place to go! Thank you @Vincent T.
I never go to Indonesia before. Thanks for sharing.
Oh great!
Nice traveling spot!
I don't like adventure trip. But I like to read your adventure post.
It is one of the trips that I wish to follow. Thanks!
If you like active volcanoes, I suggest you go Kilauea and Maunaloa in Hawaii Island.
For more detailed, go to this website